Zhou Xun enjoys being called Duke of Zhou, which will bring her a calm feeling. She likes this title very much and has been working hard to do it. After marrying her husband, Zhou Xun kept a low profile and never had an affair. Her husband once jokingly called her Duke Zhou in front of the camera.
It is precisely because of her heroic personality, humiliation and indifference to the resources and other things in the circle that many people have become good friends with her. She never deliberately strives for things and roles that don't belong to her, even when she auditioned. She believes that what belongs to her will never be taken away by others.
In an interview, Zhou Xun said several times that he didn't like participating in variety shows, which would give people a feeling of grandstanding. She wants to show her acting skills and efforts to everyone on the screen. Because she thinks that only acting is something that others can't take away from her, Duke Zhou has always been appreciated and encouraged by others, and she is also trying to do it.