Is "Duke of Zhou" in "Duke of Zhou" and "Duke of Zhou" the same Duke of Zhou?

They all refer to (commonly referred to as "Zhou Gongdan" in the literature), the son of Ji Chang Wang Ji, and the brother of Wu Wang. The Duke of Zhou was originally a vassal of the Zhou Dynasty, with only Song Like, Qi Hou, Jin Bo, Qin Bo, Yan Bo and Zi Chu. Because he lived in Beijing for a long time, the fief originated in the hometown of Zhou Dynasty, so he was called "Duke of Zhou". But in fact, when people talk about Duke Zhou, they mostly mean (his actual vassal state is Lu, and his son Ji Boqin has been in Lu for a long time) that he is the regent and has played a fundamental role in the establishment of the religious, cultural and political system of the Zhou Dynasty. In 800 years, Zhou Zuodai was deified. In the eyes of China people, the wisdom of these early Zhou leaders, such as Ji Dan's morality, Ji Chang and Ji Fa's divination, and Jiang Shang's use of troops, has obviously been greatly deified and perfected. These people have simply become salty people in these areas. Ji Dan created the system of cultural rites and music in the Zhou Dynasty, and all kinds of ethical behaviors, even if he didn't create them, were basically worn by China people who later loved to cling to authority. As for the Duke of Zhou, it was because Ji Dan was deified that he was entrusted with it. In fact, it is obvious that he didn't write this book.