Duke Zhou dreamed of Lv Dongbin.
It was Lv Yan (Lv Dongbin) who was moved, and it was Han Zhongli who was moved! Lv Dongbin was a scholar, but because of the corruption in the imperial examination at that time, he failed the examination for decades. After seeing Han Zhongli, he asked Lv Dongbin if he wanted to go to Zhong Nanshan with him, but Lv Dongbin didn't want to go with him. That night, Han Zhongli and Lv Dongbin stayed in the same inn. Han Zhongli personally cooked for Lv Dongbin, but Lv Dongbin fell asleep. Then I had a dream, I was admitted, and then I became a big official, married and had children. Children and grandchildren were full, and then they were deprived of all their property because they committed a felony, and their wives and children were scattered, living in barren hills, alone, poor and haggard. I immediately sighed with Xue, and suddenly woke up to see that the rice in the pot was not cooked. Lv Dongbin smiled and said, "I'm still immature and dreamed of Hua Xu."