Dreamers will be happy to find money in their dreams. However, there are different ways to treat this windfall. Some people take it, others give it to the police. What kind of person is good? I accepted it. For the police, don't praise yourself, don't say that you are so noble in your dreams. Because people who pick up money in their dreams often reflect an attitude of not being confident, and a good thing is not my turn. Next time you dream of picking up money, you must try to accept it. When you dream of finding money and accepting it, it shows that your self-confidence has improved. Those who wake up try to improve their self-confidence during the day. When you dream of finding money, you accept it, which shows that you have gained confidence. It should be noted that "finding money in dreams" is completely different from "finding money in life", because money in dreams often represents valuable things, not necessarily material, but probably spiritual.
A dream of psychologist Ann Faraday is very telling. The dreamer is a young woman who just left her husband. She felt lonely and worried, so many husbands kept dreaming of falling into the water from the boat. (Her husband is her boat) Then one day, she dreamed that she was on the boat, but not alone, but with a large group of people. They fell into the water from the bow, and she also fell into the water, but she didn't wake up, but dreamed that she was standing firmly on the shore and accidentally picked up the silver market. When she woke up, she stopped worrying. This dream means that she later fell into danger (represented by water) but did not drown and found something new and valuable. Silver coins symbolize her income, which means her independence.