1, pine needle ganoderma lucidum in the treatment of gastric cancer
Pine needle ganoderma lucidum 15g, sunflower pith 6g, decoction as tea, long-term drinking, can alleviate the symptoms of self-consciousness. (Anti-cancer Prescription)
2, pine needle ganoderma lucidum treatment of esophageal cancer.
30 grams of pine needle ganoderma lucidum, stewed pig heart or pig lung. Take one meal, 2-3 doses a day. (Anti-cancer botanical drugs and their prescriptions)
3, pine needle ganoderma lucidum treatment of liver cancer.
200 grams of pine needle ganoderma lucidum, decocted in water, taken on an empty stomach before meals, 3 times a day. Combined with other anticancer drugs, it can treat a variety of cases with remarkable curative effect.
4, pine needle ganoderma lucidum treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia.
30 grams of pine needle ganoderma lucidum, decocted in water for 2 hours, decocted 3 times, and taken orally. Take bee milk at the same time to enhance the curative effect. ("The Secret Recipe of Cancer")
30g of pine needle ganoderma lucidum, wild ganoderma lucidum (sessile) 10g, decocted in water for 4 months, and the average patient 1-2 is a course of treatment, and the effect is obvious.