The first generation of Duke Zhou in history was named Ji Mingdan (about 1 100 BC), also known as Shu Dan, and was the fourth son of Ji Chang, the king of Zhou Wen. Because the fief was in Zhou (now Qishan North, Shaanxi Province), it was called Duke of Zhou or Duke of Zhou talked about his old man's house.
2. The Duke of Zhou-a folk book about dreams. Later generations wrote it in the name of Duke Ji Dan of Zhou. Sometimes dreaming is like meeting Duke Zhou.
3, "The Ceremony of the Duke of Zhou"-now it is popular to refer to the husband and wife sharing the same room, making love and having sexual relations. "The courtesy of the Duke of Zhou" is a euphemism for sexual relations in Chinese, which is a bit of a joke. It is said that men and women promiscuous in the early years of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but Duke Zhou thought it impossible, so he stipulated that men and women should not have sex casually before marriage, unless it was the wedding day. Later, people called it "the gift of the Duke of Zhou".
Which poem are you talking about? You can sit down accordingly. . .