Generally speaking, when you are ugly, when it is dark, in the morning, at noon, or when you are looking for a job, if your ears are burning, it means that something good is coming, you can make a fortune or have a happy event at home, and you will have a good meal. However, hot ears don't always mean good things. For example, if you are old, it means that you will lose your wealth. When you are away from home, you should take good care of your private property and pay more attention. Don't let your money be taken away.
When you are angry with the sea, your ears are hot, which means that there must be right and wrong coming. At this time, you should keep a calm heart and be very calm. You should remember not to be too anxious and angry about many things, and you must remember the sentence "Take a step back and broaden the horizon". In addition, it's best to avoid all the quarrels that can be avoided, so your fortune will be better.
In the morning, my ears are burning, which means that friends who haven't contacted for a long time will ask you for help. If you can help, you must refuse what you can't help. This must be remembered.