As far as I know, people have eight senses: eye knowledge, ear knowledge, nose knowledge, tongue knowledge, body knowledge, consciousness, final knowledge and Aryan knowledge. The first five are all related to the sixth consciousness, that is, consciousness, and are all under the command of the sixth consciousness. The sixth kind of consciousness is consciousness, also called monocular consciousness, which can act alone and is not controlled by the first five kinds. So when people are asleep, their consciousness is still moving alone, so they often dream. Remember the scene at that time, it was a dream; If you don't feel after waking up, you don't remember dreaming. The significance of the seventh knowledge, the last knowledge, the eighth knowledge and the Arya knowledge will not be further elaborated here.
The scene in the dream sometimes comes from the historical memory in Araille's consciousness, sometimes it is the result of conscious thinking, and sometimes it comes from the first five senses (such as the body and arms being crushed, dreaming that the cat bit its hand) and so on.
Therefore, if dreams are used to predict the future, most of them are not allowed. But there are also real situations in the dream. For example, dreaming that saints appear tells you a truth, which is deep and difficult to explain at the moment. You can learn more about yourself.
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