Gestalt School Interprets Dreams _ A Representative of Gestalt School

What are the main characteristics of Gestalt School?

Characteristics of Gestalt Theory

Kaufka believes that the experiences we naturally observe have the characteristics of gestalt, and they all belong to the mind-matter field and isomorphism theory. Taking the theory of mind-matter field and isomorphism as the general outline of gestalt, some sub-principles are derived from it, which are called organizational laws. In Kaufka's view, everyone, including children and uncivilized people, experiences meaningful perceptual fields according to organizational rules. These good organizational principles include:

(1) graphics and background. In a field with a certain configuration, some objects pop up to form graphics, and some objects retreat into the background. Generally speaking, the greater the distinction between graphics and background, the more prominent graphics can become our perceptual object. For example, we are more likely to hear bells in silence and find red flowers in green leaves. On the contrary, the smaller the difference between graphics and background, the more difficult it is to separate graphics from background, such as military camouflage. In order to make graphics become the object of perception, it is necessary not only to have prominent features, but also to have a clear outline. Brightness and uniformity. It should be pointed out that these characteristics are not the characteristics of physical stimulation, but the characteristics of psychological field. An object, such as a piece of ice, has the characteristics of outline, hardness and height in the physical sense, but if it does not become the center of attention, it will not become a figure, but just a background, thus lacking outline, hardness and height in the observer's psychological field. Once it becomes the center of the observer's attention, it becomes a graph, showing the outline, hardness, height and so on.

(2) proximity and continuity. Some short or close parts are easy to form a whole. For example, Figure 7 shows that two close and adjacent lines naturally combine into a whole. Continuity refers to the perceptual tendency to lines. As shown in Figure 8, although the lines are obscured by other lines, they are still experienced as uninterrupted or continuous.

(3) Integrity and sealing tendency. Perceptual impression and environment present the most perfect form. Parts that belong to each other are easy to combine into a whole, on the contrary, parts that do not belong to each other are easy to be isolated. In Figure 9, there are 12 circles arranged in an ellipse with a circle beside it. Although it is close to one of the circles of 12 according to the proximity principle, we still perceive the circle of 12 as a complete whole, and the single circle as another whole. This complete tendency shows a psychological reasoning tendency of the perceiver, that is, to make a discontinuous and notched figure converge psychologically as much as possible, which is a closed tendency, as shown in figure 10. Observers always regard this as an owl figure, not other independent lines or circles. The tendency of integrity and closure plays a role in all sensory channels, which provides a perfect boundary, symmetry and form for perceptual graphics.

(4) Similarity. If the distance between parts is equal, but their colors are different, then the parts with the same color will naturally combine into a whole. This shows that similar parts are easy to form a whole. As shown in figure 1 1, O stands for white and● stands for black, so it is easy for observers to see that the column is arranged in a straight line instead of horizontally.

(5) conversion method. According to the isomorphism theory, gestalt can undergo extensive changes without losing its own characteristics, because it is the same type as the stimulus type. For example, a tune can remain unchanged after tone sandhi, even if the notes that make up the tune are different. A person who can't sing well is out of tune, and the listener can still perceive what he is singing through conversion.

(6) moving in the same direction. If all parts of a whole move in the same direction, these parts will easily form a new whole. For example, figure 12 can be regarded as a combination of abc, def, ghi, jkl and so on according to the proximity law. If cde and ijk move upward at the same time, this common movement can form a new whole. What the observer sees is no longer the combination of abc, def, ghi and jki, but the combination of ab, cde, fgh and ijk.