Duke Zhou:
Dreaming of laughing, the desire to convince others is very heavy. Today, you have a strong desire for control, and you want others to act according to your ideas. Younger generations and subordinates will feel your pressure. You should pay attention to the connection. Relatives have a desire to be looked after by you. Pay attention to their words and deeds, and you will find it. Spend more time with your family, work overtime and socialize. Remember to call home and don't let them worry.
Dreaming that I have been laughing at some strange things means that I will encounter unpleasant and disharmonious things.
Hearing children's laughter in your dreams implies that you will soon have something festive and become strong.
Dreaming that you are happy and laughing loudly means that everything you do will be successful.
Dreaming of laughing at others means that you will base your happiness on the pain of your friends.
Dreaming that someone is laughing at others symbolizes that something unpleasant is coming.