Do you need to sign a contract to entrust an intermediary to sell a house?

A real estate agent may sign a contract on behalf of the seller; However, it is also necessary to meet the conditions for signing a contract and have a clear power of attorney to implement it; After the contract is signed, both parties should fulfill their respective responsibilities, and one party should bear the liability for breach of contract.

Legal analysis

Intermediaries can sign contracts on their behalf, but real estate agents need clear authorization to sign contracts on their behalf. Real estate agents, also known as real estate agents, should be filed according to law. As a professional real estate service organization, the Administration Department has a strict management system for intermediary organizations. To provide intermediary services, a written agreement shall be signed with the client to determine the service content and charging standards. In real estate transactions, real estate agencies generally only provide real estate intermediary services. When providing key matters that are directly related to the interests of buyers and sellers, such as agency loans and agency registration, they should make it clear, obtain the consent of the client and sign a contract. Although the laws and regulations of real estate transactions allow buyers and sellers to entrust others to handle them, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of buyers and sellers, the agency authority must be strictly examined and clarified. As far as the signing of the sales contract is concerned, the sales contract is directly related to the future interests of the buyers and sellers, and the power of attorney issued by the client must specify the authorization authority. Whether the seller or the buyer handles real estate transactions through intermediaries, they should pay attention to whether the intermediaries have legal filing qualifications in advance, and pay attention to the service items and agency authority in the intermediary service contract signed with intermediaries. Unless there are very special reasons, don't entrust an intermediary agency to sign a contract. Even if it is entrusted, the key details of the contract to be signed, such as price and performance period, should be determined in writing in advance.

legal ground

According to Article 487 of the Civil Code of People's Republic of China (PRC), if the offeree issues an acceptance within the acceptance period, it can reach the offeror in time according to the usual circumstances. However, if the acceptance reaches the offeror beyond the acceptance period for other reasons, the acceptance is valid unless the offeror promptly informs the offeree that the acceptance is not accepted due to the overdue acceptance.