After this incident, Zhao Gao was fine, and so was Hu Hai: he thought he was confused. So he told Taibu to count on his fingers, but Taibu said nonsense because fasting was not good at sacrifice. Hu Hai went to Shanglinyuan to fast again. At first he could persist, but later he enjoyed it.
Later, Hu Hai shot people who strayed into the garden on the spot. When Zhao Gao found out, he used this title to fight. First, he asked his son-in-law Yan Le to play, saying that he didn't know who killed the man and threw the body into the garden. Then Zhao Gao pretended to say to Hu Hai, because the emperor is the son of heaven, the innocent people who are shot dead will be punished by heaven, that is, the punishment of the son of heaven and Lao Tzu, and ghosts and gods will be ordered to suffer. Hu Hai was afraid, and Zhao Gao took the opportunity to let him temporarily hide in other parts of the palace. Hu Hai obeyed and left, and Zhao Gao acted like an emperor in the court.
At this time, Hu Hai didn't know the real situation of the world. When Chen Sheng's army approached the capital Xianyang, he was in a hurry. He followed Zhang Han's advice and asked him to lead the released Lishan criminals to see them.
These criminals engage in manual labor all the year round. They are strong and have just been released. Their morale is very high. Under the leadership of the brave general Zhang Han, they won many victories in the early days and defeated the armies of Chen Sheng and Xiang Liang. But later, Xiang Yu crossed the rubicon and fought a decisive battle with Zhang Han, which defeated Zhang Han. Zhang Han turned to Hu Hai for help, but Zhao Gao suspected that he refused to send troops. Desperate Zhang Han finally surrendered to Xiang Yu. After Zhang Han's death, Qin's army was vulnerable and Qin was in jeopardy.
At that time, Hu Hai suddenly woke up. It turns out that Zhao Gao lied when he said that the world was peaceful. Now the world is in chaos and the country is ruined. Hu Hai was very dissatisfied with Zhao Gao in his speech. Zhao Gao, who has the intention of usurping the throne, simply starts first.
Zhao Gao has said many times before that the Kanto thief can't be angry. Later, Xiang Yu captured Wang Li and others under Dalucheng and moved on. Zhang Han and others troops retreated many times and wrote to ask for reinforcements. Yan, Zhao, Qi, Chu, Han and Wei all stood on their own feet as kings, betrayed Qin officials and responded to the governors, who all led troops to the west. Pei Gong led tens of thousands of people to Tuwuguan and sent people to secretly contact Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao was afraid that II would be angry, so he hurt himself and lied that he was ill and didn't appear before the emperor.
I dreamed that a white tiger bit the horse he was riding. He killed the white tiger, but he was unhappy and surprised, so he asked the dream interpreter. Budd, the dream interpreter, said: Water mirror water god is working. Second, I fasted in Wang Yi Palace to offer sacrifices to the water mirror, so I sank four white horses into the water mirror. II sent people to condemn Zhao Gao's rebellion. Zhao Gao was frightened, so he secretly discussed with Yan Le, the son-in-law of Xianyang County, and Zhao Cheng, his younger brother, saying: The emperor didn't listen to the advice, and now the situation is critical, and he wants to blame our family for the disaster.
I want to set up another son of heaven, a son. Zi Ying is kind and modest, and everyone supports his words. Let the doctor do the inside job, lied that there was a thief, ordered Yan Le to call officials to send troops to hunt down, and hijacked Yan Le's mother and put it as a hostage in Zhao Gaofu.