Dreams mean dreams, hopes, beauty and happiness. The ancients believed that there must be a reason for dreaming. Wang Fu once said, "If people dream strangely, they will gain more and be invincible." He thinks there must be a reason for dreaming. There are psychological and physiological reasons for dreaming, but even in these two aspects, human beings still can't explain the formation mechanism of dreams.
The events and scenes formed in dreams come from people's existing cognition and memory, including vision, hearing, touch and feeling. All these elements that appear in people's dreams are based on memory. Hao Bin, a famous clinical psychologist in China, believes that the content of dreams is actually produced by the functions of perception, memory and storage of human nervous system, and it contains people's subconscious desires and emotions. If we can understand in the company of professional workers, it will help people explore their inner world.
China was the first country to study dreams. As early as two thousand years before Freud, we had a monograph on dreams-Duke Zhou. However, the interpretation of dreams in Duke Zhou is not from a scientific point of view. Based on the social and scientific conditions at that time, this book has considerable historical limitations in dream interpretation. Among them, dreams are endowed with the ability to analyze people's future destiny, but based on the gradual scientific understanding of dreams, people find that dreams can not predict people's future destiny. This view originated from Freud's book The Interpretation of Dreams.
When people dream, their physiological manifestations are rapid eye movement and talking in their sleep. It is generally believed that dreams occur in the shallow sleep state of human sleep.
Dreams, whether real or illusory, belong to psychology or imagination, and people can't explain them so far.
Generation of dreams: when people sleep, brain cells also enter a state of relaxation and rest, but some brain cells are not completely rested, and weak stimulation will cause their activities, thus triggering dreams. For example, there is something that makes you particularly excited during the day, and you are still thinking about it before going to bed. When other nerve cells in the brain are resting and these nerve cells are still excited, you will make one.
Most scientists believe that all human beings dream and sleep at the same frequency every time. As Hao Bin, a famous clinical psychologist, said in his book Hypnosis and Psychological Stress Release: "When people are in heterogeneous sleep, if they are awakened, they will often say that they are dreaming, so people generally think that dreaming is one of the characteristics of heterogeneous sleep. Studies have found that everyone dreams." [2] So, if a person feels that he didn't dream or only had a dream one night, it is because his memory of those dreams has disappeared. This kind of "memory erasure" usually occurs when a person naturally and gently enters the slow-wave sleep stage from the rapid eye movement sleep stage and enters the awake state. If a person is awakened directly from REM sleep (for example, by an alarm clock), they are more likely to remember their dreams during REM sleep (but not all dreams during REM sleep will be remembered, because a slow-wave sleep period will be inserted between active sleep, which will cause the memory of the previous dream to disappear).
True dreaming has been directly confirmed only in humans, but many people think that dreaming may also happen to other animals. Animals have been proved to have REM sleep, but their subjective experience is difficult to determine. The animal with the longest average REM sleep time is pangolin. Mammals may be the only dreamers in nature, or at least the most frequent dreamers, because it is related to their sleep patterns.
Some people think that the above explanation of dreams is unscientific. Dreams are just a kind of psychological activity when people are sleeping. The psychological activity in dreams, like the psychological activity when people are awake, is a reflection of objective things in the human brain. The bizarre dream in the dream is the illusion of stimulating various objective things when people are unconscious during sleep. For example, when people are awake and tachycardia, the palpitation feeling as if being chased becomes a bizarre nightmare, and when people are awake and their heartbeat is slow, the palpitation feeling of hanging down becomes a bizarre nightmare of falling in a dream. In dreams, we often feel slight physiological symptoms that some people can't easily feel when they are awake, which is caused by the fact that the stimulation of external objective things is relatively small, while the stimulation of internal objective things is relatively strong.
Dreams with similar contents are just the so-called "thinking day and night".
Psychologist Freud believes that dreams are the satisfaction of subconscious desires, and people can effectively suppress the subconscious when they are awake, so that those desires that violate moral customs cannot do whatever they want. However, when people fall asleep or relax, some desires will avoid the inspection of the subconscious, secretly emerge from the conscious level, and show themselves in various images. This is the formation of dreams. Dreams are substitutes for human desires and the main way to release depression. In the form of a fantasy, we can experience the instinctive satisfaction of this dream. The fire of desire hidden in the subconscious mind cannot be satisfied for practical reasons, but the impulse and repression in the subconscious mind constantly struggle to form a pair of contradictions and then form a force. This motivation makes desire find another way or satisfaction, which is a dream. Hao Bin, a famous clinical psychologist, believes that dreams are the expression of psychological conflicts in some cases. In the book Hypnosis and Psychological Stress Release, Mr. Hao Bin pointed out: "There will be various feelings such as desire and emotion in dreams. Although these are all produced by your nervous system, they do not fully represent you. You can't say that the needs in your dreams are your essence. Many times, rational needs and perceptual needs are contradictory. They don't exist in your consciousness. They fight for your life. The conflict between these needs may make you feel at a loss and lead to psychological obstacles. However, if you have strong self-function and coordinate these conflicts well, they will make you grow better. In fact, this is one of the main purposes for many people to receive psychotherapy such as dream interpretation and hypnosis to gain personal growth. "
People say that dreams are the fallacy of natural evolution and the fault of God when he created man. Some people say that dreams are ancient letters without translation. Some people say that dreams are another colorful movement of life. But no matter how we comment on dreams, the fact is that we dream every day. The difference is that the dreamer observes the mind and enjoys it for life; People who don't know dreams can still live without harm. This is the dream, generous and stingy. The key lies in ourselves.
Some psychologists also believe that human dreaming is a preview of how the brain handles dangerous situations in a virtual environment. Especially nightmares, human beings have 300 to 1000 nightmares every year. Human beings are trained in safety in nightmares.