1, dreaming of flood
As we all know, water represents wealth in dreams. Duke Zhou said: "When the river rises, it will make a fortune; When drinking water is inexhaustible, they get rich; When there was water in the boat, they made a windfall; When the mud in the well is negative, they get rich; When the well is opened, they will make a fortune. " Therefore, when dreaming of a flood in a dream, the dreamer will surely have a smooth fortune next.
Analysis of Water in a Dream
I dreamed of saving people in the flood and my home was transported away. If you organize people to save lives in your dreams, your career will get better and better.
I dream of fishing for property or fish in the sea. Wealth is strong.
Dream that there is a flood at the door, there are noble people, and business is booming.
Dreaming of the flood, I escaped easily, which indicated that my luck was about to begin.
Dreaming of the flood, I am just a bystander, which indicates that the appearance of noble people will bring opportunities for making a fortune.
2. Dream of a fire
Dreaming of fire must be a precursor to getting rich. The bigger the fire, the more auspicious it is for a dream. There is a saying in Duke of Zhou: "The flame is burning, and those who see the candle make a fortune", which means that the dreamer has a strong fortune, or that the social status of the dreamer will have an obvious upward trend in the near future.
Analysis of Mengmeng of Fire
Dreaming of a raging fire is a good thing, which indicates that wealth is strong and status is rising.
If you dream that your home is on fire, you will live a rich life, with rich family assets and money, or other things you want, and your wish will come true soon.
Analysis of goldfish dream
Dreaming of goldfish is a good omen, suggesting that dreamers will have a good fate, and life is as bright and colorful as goldfish.
Traffickers dream of goldfish in the market, suggesting that the dreamer's business is booming, his financial resources are abundant, and he can make a lot of money in business.