(1) Manually or mechanically sort shellfish to remove empty shells, dead individuals and impurities;
(2) washing the surface of shellfish with water or by hand to remove impurities such as attachments and silt;
(3) putting the shellfish into a purification pond, controlling the water flow, resting with running water, spitting sand and removing harmful substances;
(four) the use of precipitation, filtration, sterilization, purification and other facilities to purify the water for shellfish temporary cultivation;
(5) Observe the sand spitting of shellfish and monitor the quality of inlet and outlet water;
(6) sorting the purified shellfish, eliminating unqualified individuals, and grading and packaging;
(7) Record data such as shellfish source, purification time, specifications, quantity and water quality.
The following types of jobs belong to this occupation:
Chemical purification of shellfish and water.