The Duke of Zhou dreamed of a white horse, which is a good omen for love. Unmarried men and women dream of a white horse and will soon find the right person. Married men and women dream of white horses, which indicates that love will be sweet. If you are solving a problem, you will succeed soon. If you are a woman, then your other half is your prince charming. A friend tells you that the poor quality of the saddle may indicate that people around you are not satisfied with your other half. After studying for a long time, it turned out that the saddle was a little small, not the horse. Your horse is still the strongest, which means your other half is still the best. This white horse will accompany you without saddle forever. Maybe. You and your partner will have some small differences in the near future, but this is only a short period of seasoning in your life. If you take good care of it, you will spend it well. Businessmen dream of white maggots, and their business is booming. Employees dream of maggots, and their positions will be promoted or raised. Dreaming of maggots indicates a successful career. The most classic case is that Zhu Yuanzhang dreamed that he was covered with maggots during his March, and he was very scared after waking up. He asked Liu Bowen, and Liu said, Congratulations, master, you will get the whole country for the second time! What did Zhu ask? Liu said: "The maggots" cater to and take refuge in you. It is a national omen for the whole country to cater to you! Maggots are larvae of flies, disgusting insects, and eat garbage or excrement, so they also represent good luck in dreams; Dreaming of dead bodies and maggots will make a lot of money and may make a fortune; Dream of eating maggots indicate good health and a smooth and happy life; If you don't dream of many maggots, it means that you have some small fortune to get recently, but if you see maggots everywhere, it means that your career and fortune will soon have a new look, especially your fortune will get great benefits. Dreaming of maggots is a sign of increasing interest and industry, and your career and family will become colorful. If you have been afraid of these maggots in your dreams, it means that you have or will have something to deal with, but it's no big deal. Talk to people around you when you are in a bad mood. Don't bear the troubles alone, share them with the other half and one more person. Maybe everything will be clarified.
Hope to adopt