Duke Zhou was the prime minister of the Zhou Dynasty, but why was he called "Yuan Saint" and "Pioneer of Confucianism"?

Duke Zhou is a famous politician and philosopher in history. Cao Cao regarded Duke Zhou as an idol and wrote such a poem for him: "Duke Zhou vomits food, and the world belongs to his heart." However, the Duke of Zhou, as we said, has not been verified by history. Now it is called Duke Zhou, mostly because of Confucius, who also said that Duke Zhou appeared in his dreams many times.

Confucius admired the thought of Duke Zhou so much that the relationship between celebrities and scholars was so great that later generations gradually called him Duke Zhou and regarded Duke Zhou as a synonym for dreaming and sleeping. It was the Duke of Zhou who engaged in rites and music in the Zhou Dynasty that was truly respected by Confucianism. He established a set of laws and regulations to help the emperors consolidate their rule. In the Analects of Confucius, he once said: "I am so weak! For a long time, I stopped dreaming about Duke Zhou. "

"Before Confucius, after the Yellow Emperor, China was closely related, and Duke Zhou was the only one." This is Jia Yi's evaluation of Duke Zhou, a famous politician in the Western Han Dynasty. Duke Zhou perfected the system of enfeoffment, respected rites and music, and made China a state of etiquette. Not only ideologically, but also politically, Duke Zhou contributed to the Zhou Dynasty. He also helped his father, Ji Chang, and his brother, Ji Fa, win over merchants, led troops across the Yellow River, and took an oath in Mu Ye to encourage soldiers to fight bravely.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Duke Zhou is called "the saint of the Yuan Dynasty" and "the pioneer of Confucianism", and her contribution is also worthy of being treated as such by future generations. As for now, people joke that "I'm going to chat with Duke Zhou" means going to bed, which is really blaspheming Duke Zhou and being crowned with such a color. No wonder later generations remember less and less about Duke Zhou's great achievements. When it comes to Confucianism, Confucius comes to mind first.