Duke of Ji Dan is the Duke of Zhou _ Duke of Ji Dan is the Duke of Zhou?

Is "Duke of Zhou" the same as "Duke of Zhou Tupu" in "Duke of Zhou"?

Duke of Zhou is a book about dream interpretation, which is popular among the people. Later generations wrote it in the name of Duke Ji Dan, so it refers to Duke Zhou.

The allusion of Duke Zhou's spitting comes from Historical Records of Duke Zhou's Family in Lu: "Duke Zhou said:' I am the son of King Wen, the brother of King Wu, the uncle of King Cheng, and the sky is not cheap. But I am afraid of losing the sages of the world, because I have grabbed my hair, vomited and fed, and waited for scholars. If you are a child, be careful not to be proud of your country. ""Later used as the current respectable corporal Canon.

"The Duke of Zhou spat out food, and the world turned to his heart" was founded in Cao Cao's "Short Songs", which shows that Cao Cao wants to emulate the Duke and make the whole world turn to him, that is, Cao Cao wants to win the hearts of the people first.

So, Duke Zhou is the same person.