Etiquette form of hanging paper
The elders don't need to wear mourning clothes, Dai Xiao towels or bow, just pay attention to the remains. People of the same age attend the funeral. Generally speaking, they are not close relatives and do not need mourning clothes and Dai Xiao towels. If the mourner is older than the deceased, there is no need to kneel and kowtow, just stand and bow.
If the mourners are younger than the deceased, they can bow down and kowtow. If you are a close relative, such as a brother, you can put on a mourning towel and bow down and kowtow. The younger generation needs to bow down and kowtow to attend the funeral of their elders. It is not the closest relatives who wear mourning towels, but the closest relatives who wear mourning clothes and kowtow three times in front of the coffin.
If you are a superior mourning a subordinate, you don't need to wear mourning clothes and scarves, and you don't need to kowtow. You can pay attention to the ceremony. On the night before the funeral, the elders who presided over the funeral would arrange for all the guests and relatives attending the funeral to walk around the coffin, take a last look at the deceased while walking, and then cover the coffin. At this point, the mourning part of the funeral is over, just waiting for the funeral the next day.
Before the funeral, relatives and friends saluted in front of the coffin, which was carried out of the courtyard and parked outside the door. The drummer played funeral music, and the eldest son or other heirs broke the filial son's basin and carried the banner in front of the coffin. The eldest daughter-in-law held the jar, followed by other children and relatives and friends, and walked to the cemetery.