Now the nest is quiet and happy …
Continue to see Daniel (April 15) ~
Daniel 2:3 1 "O king, you dreamed of a big image, very high and extremely bright, standing in front of you in a terrible shape.
Daniel 2:32 The head of this image is pure gold, the chest and arms are silver, and the belly and waist are bronze.
Daniel 2:33 The legs are iron, and the feet are half iron and half mud.
Daniel 2:34 When you look, you see a stone that was not cut by human hands, and it struck this iron and mud foot and broke it.
Daniel 2:35 In this way, all gold, silver, copper, iron and clay are broken together, like chaff on the threshing floor in summer, which is scattered by the wind and cannot be found anywhere. The stone that broke this image turned into a mountain and filled the world.
Daniel 2:36 "This is the dream; We will explain this dream to the king.
Daniel 2:37 You, O king, are the king of kings. God in heaven has given you kingdom, authority, power and honor.
Daniel 2:38 All the birds and beasts in the air where the human beings live have been given into your hands, and you have set you to watch over them. You are the golden head.
Daniel 2:39 After you, another country will set up another country, not like you. There is a third country, copper, which will rule the world.
Daniel 2:40 The fourth kingdom will be as hard as iron, crushing everything and crushing everything; That nation will crush everything and oppress all nations.
Daniel 2:4 1 Now that you have seen the feet and toes of the statue, the kingdom will be divided in the future. Since you have seen iron mixed with mud, that country will also have the power of iron.
Daniel 2:42 Because this toe is half iron and half clay, the kingdom will be half strong and half weak.
Daniel 2:43 Since you have seen iron mixed with clay, that country will also be mixed with all kinds of people, but they cannot be combined with each other, just as iron and clay cannot be combined.
Daniel 2:44 In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up another kingdom, which will never perish, and will not belong to other people, but will smash and destroy those countries, and this kingdom will last forever.
Daniel 2:45 Since you saw a stone that was not cut by human hands coming out of the mountain and breaking gold, silver, copper, iron and clay, it was the Great God who told the king what happened later. This dream must be like this, and this explanation is true. "
Daniel 2:46 At that time, King Nebuchadnezzar fell to the ground, bowed down to Daniel, and ordered people to offer him offerings and incense.
Daniel 2:47 The king said to Daniel, Since you can reveal this mystery, your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings, and you can also reveal this mystery.
Dan 2:48 So Aric promoted Daniel, gave him many excellent gifts, and made him ruler over all the provinces of Babylon, and made him prime minister over all the wise men of Babylon.
Daniel 2:49 When Daniel asked the king, the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego to manage the affairs of the province of Babylon, but Daniel always stood at the king's court.
(Daniel 2:3 1-49 NIV)