In Duke of Zhou, pregnant women dream of cosmetics with different explanations. Even if they dream of buying cosmetics, if the results are different, they have different meanings. If a pregnant woman dreams that she is buying cosmetics but doesn't, the meaning of this dream will not be very good, which indicates that pregnant women will face some bad things in the future, but they will all be solved smoothly in the end.
In addition, if pregnant women dream that they have got cosmetics, then pregnant women will give birth to a beautiful, watery and intelligent daughter and grow up to be a beauty, which will be a good sign. Pregnant women's own postpartum skin will get better.
Although fetal dreams are sometimes quite effective, pregnant mothers should not believe them too much. They should treat them with a normal heart, raise their babies scientifically, and do a good job in prenatal pregnancy examination. Every baby is God's best gift to mothers, and mothers should take good care of it.