Song people said: "He who knows has no disciples, and there is no fish in the water of Ming Dynasty." If the water is crystal clear, it means there are no fish in the water. For crucian carp, carp, etc. living under the water, when looking for bait in the mud, swimming or chasing fish and shrimp, you should turn up the mud to stir the water. In this way, is the more turbid the water? That's not necessarily true. If the rain is alluvial and the water is muddy, it can't mean that there are fish. Water that is turbid due to fish must be turbid on the upper surface and turbid in the middle. The denser the fish, the higher the turbidity.
2. Look at the waves on the water
There are many fish in the water, and there are big fish in the water, especially pelagic fish. When watching them swim and prey on live bait, the water surface will show faintly visible "open" ripples. When chasing insects flying at low altitude, it will arouse the scale wave of the loop. This scene is obvious at sunrise and evening, and before the weather turns bad. Where there is no wind on the surface of the water, waves roll and ripples are intertwined, and the scenes are varied, which indicates that there are fish in the water. According to the size of the waves, the species of fish and their individual sizes can be determined.
3. Look at bubbles (also fishy)
Many fish will have bubbles and moisture changes during feeding, and different bubbles can also reflect different species. The bubbles are large and transparent, and they keep rising in a straight line, indicating that snakehead is swallowing. One or two bubbles appear, rising slowly and disappearing quickly, which may be crucian carp; Bubbles vary in size, large and medium, small and medium, mostly grass carp and herring; The small and dense bubbles are made of carp; Bubbles are uneven in size, banded, large in center, small in edge and slow in movement. This situation must be a tortoise.
4. Watch the fish take off
When fish take off, different species have different postures and sounds. According to the posture and sound of fish taking off, we can identify which fish are in this water area.
Silver carp take-off is to hit the water with its tail, making a "snapping" sound, crisp, small waves and disappearing quickly; Carp jumped out of the water, wagged its tail and hit the water when it entered the water, making a "click" sound; The bighead carp jumped out of the water, half exposed, and its head entered the water, making a "glug" sound, which was loud and stuffy, with a big splash and soon disappeared.
Watching the fish jump often and listening to its voice for a long time can not only judge the situation of the fish, but also distinguish the species. Observing the fish jumping at a fixed point can also judge whether it is a moving or a stationary school of fish. If the fish is in a single file, the more it jumps, the farther it jumps, the faster it moves, and the more it moves, which means it is a floating fish and is not suitable for fishing. If the fish jump in different directions, move slowly, or have fun in the same place, it is a settled fish group and suitable for fishing. The peak of diving in the whole year is the morning light in summer, and it is rare after autumn. After the first frost, it only takes off occasionally in low-pressure (sultry) weather.
5. Look at the dynamics of aquatic plants
Most fish are related to aquatic plants. This is not only because some fish feed on grass, but also because most of the delicious food they need lives in grass or adheres to the stems and leaves of grass. When fish swim among grass or catch bait attached to grass, they will touch the grass family. Branches and leaves are often preyed, and there are still residual stem fragments flying on the water. These are the signs of fish.
Step 6 smell fish
The fishy smell of fish is that although the wind overflows from the water surface, it is stronger and spreads farther in humid and sultry weather. You can smell it not only downwind, but also upwind. If there is fishy smell, there must be fish.
In addition, there are many signs to judge the fish situation. As long as you often turn around by the water, you don't worry about the fish underwater. However, "gold is not full of red", and ripples suddenly appear on the water surface, which may be caused by moths; Water is muddy, tadpoles are dry. Trembling aquatic plants may be caused by frogs. If you are confused by the illusion, you will definitely miss the fish situation, so be careful.