The Eight Characters of Self-punishment in Hai Hai

It can be said that the life of this eight-character son is bumpy; It's good luck to have a whole game every day, but it's a pity to give Yin Fu a discount. The sun, the moon and the earth support the sea and commit suicide. According to the cloud, when the sun and the earth collide with each other, it is difficult to get married and inherit, and the Japanese master is close to the official emperor Wang Zi Haiquan. According to the cloud, it is not good to get close to the official emperor Wang Zi, who lives to kill his wife and daughter and hurt his husband. The fate of the female host is that the Japanese host uses the earthen house as the official to kill the star. The lack of gold and land in this role is the lack of husband and star, which can also be said that the marriage is not good.