The manifestations of rickets
The most common cause of baby's leg bending is rickets. You can do a bone phosphatase test to confirm the diagnosis. This requires timely killing and calcium gluconate oral liquid for treatment.
Caused by calcium deficiency
If it is not rickets, consider calcium deficiency. If it is calcium deficiency, it can soften bones. When standing, the weight of the body bends the lower limbs, some of which are "X" legs and some are "O" legs, which are prone to fractures. It is suggested that calcium supplementation should be given, vitamin D should be supplemented at the same time, and more sun baths should be taken outside to enrich the diet.
♀? Leg movement
There are many reasons why babies who just learn to walk can't stretch their legs straight. Maybe it's just that his legs are weak. Give your baby proper leg exercise and exercise his leg muscles within an acceptable range.
warm oneself
Mom should let the baby bask in the sun, let the baby eat some foods with high calcium content in cod liver oil or directly supplement calcium to make the baby's bones harder, make the baby bear enough weight, and make the baby's legs hard and beautiful.
Hospitalization treatment
In addition, there may be problems with bone development. In this case, parents should take their baby to the hospital as soon as possible without delay.