On the good or ill luck of parents, we should not only look at the parents' palace, but also look at the sun and the moon at the same time Because in Wei Zidou's book, the sun is the father and the moon is the mother. When the sun goes down, the Lord is the father first, and when the moon goes down, the Lord is the mother first. If the sun and the moon set, the sun will be born, the father will be lucky, the night will be born, and the mother will be born. Because the day belongs to the sun and the night belongs to the shade.
In Wei Zi Dou Shu, the five elements of Tianfu Star belong to Yang soil, which is the main star of the southern fighting in the sky and a treasure house of wealth. It is necessary to lead and be cautious. Its advantage is that it is good at staying put and developing constantly under the existing circumstances, but its disadvantage is conservatism and lack of initiative.
First, Tian Fuxing sat in the parents' palace. Tian Fuxing stayed in the parents' palace. Generally speaking, both parents are married, only when the treasury is empty or the Lord can't enjoy his father's shadow. Tianfu is the same as Qingyang, but if the two generations are not in harmony, they will meet Datura. The Lord has a punishment, and the punishment is even heavier when he sees the sun. Abundance and fire are the same as the clock, and the Lord is separated from life. Those who meet the punishment of heaven have incomplete parents when they are young. Abundance is like robbery, and the Lord worships his parents. Tianfu and Lucun share the same degree, see evil, father and son are involved in business, and parents like to monopolize financial power. Tianfu and Lu Hua are the same or opposite, and Wuqu Luhua is the most suitable, so parents have a good economic background. If you see a celestial master of the same level, or if the celestial master is in the Palace of Life or the Palace of Wealth, your parents will have a rich legacy. Beware of suddenly seeing people who have changed their lives or saved them, and rushing to the meeting.
Tianfu hedges with Lian Zhen's taboo, and to make matters worse, his parents are not complete. If he avoids Wu Qu's taboo, he will be punished, or his parents' career will be ruined. In Tianfu Ministry of Culture, there is no punishment for the Lord. If the sun melts in the temple walls at the same time, the Lord will get the shadow of the father. Tianfu Baiguan worships the memorial archway and will meet the stars. He doesn't like to bring a star to the stars. However, they have two parents, or they were born in the second room. Tianfu is the same as peach blossom, watching long songs and single stars, and my father is having an affair.
2. Tianfu Star sits in the zodiac and guards his parents' palace 1. Tianfu sits alone in the ugly palace to protect his parents' safety and self-discipline. If you have knowledge and status, you can manage your finances, but it is not appropriate to see that robbing a sheep does not pay for your life and your parents' marriage is not ideal.
Tianfu and his parents are sitting alone in You Mao Palace. His parents are knowledgeable, intelligent, famous, personable, talented and well-born, but they will be punished if they see crying.
Tianfu and his parents sit alone in Jihai Palace. Parents are knowledgeable, conservative, research-oriented and imitative. They are famous for their food. However, if they meet taboos, raise sheep, have a red phoenix, spend a lot of money, rob in the air, be punished by a fire bell, or have bad feelings with their parents, they must worship Buddha or learn the five techniques of Buddhism.
Tianfu and Wei Zi live in Shen Yin Palace with their parents, who are kind and have high social standards and achievements. But they were busy when they were young, but when the three parties saw Zhong Xing, Seven Killings, Heavenly Punishment, Empty Robbery and Tara, they were punished, and their parents were incomplete.
5. Tianfu, Wu Qu's keeping his parents in Woods Palace is the most beneficial combination of stars and obsidians. Don't avoid punishment, don't take the main punishment. Light is living in the same palace, not the main punishment. If you will avoid Lian Zhen, then father and son will participate in the operation; The same is true of purple and the sky; Or the Lord is under pressure from the boss.
Tianfu and Lian Zhen are guarding their parents in Yuxu Palace.