It is the year of Gengwu, the month of Wuzi, the day of Renshen and the day of Shenshisheng. When you were born, Xiao Ma was born, and when you were born, Xiao Monkey. Then your four pillars (that is, eight characters) are: Gengwu, Wuzi, Renshen and Shenshi! Sixty flowers and flowers sing a song: "Geng Wu Xin Wei Road is next to the soil", and the five elements belong to the soil. In the ten-day dry period, A and B belong to wood, C and D belong to fire, E and E belong to the soil, G and Xin belong to gold, and Ren and Gui belong to water. Among the twelve earthly branches, Yin and Mao belong to wood, Si and Wu belong to fire, Shen and You belong to gold, Hai and Zi belong to water, Chen, Shu, Ugly, but not to earth. In this way, according to birthdates, calculate the lack of wood in your life! Therefore, the five elements of this life are fairly stable! Eight-character fortune tells the cloud: every month is expensive, you should get married early, your life is glorious, your relatives and brothers are completely helpless, and your friends know each other!