JOE is a wildfire. Spring is happy, summer is auspicious and fierce. I like to see big trees, pine trees and cypress trees, as well as ugly mulberry trees and zhemu trees. Some are expensive and some are useless. It is auspicious to get into the water when you meet a stream, and it is also auspicious to see Jiayin's big stream. When you get to the sea, you'll be fierce. When you get to gold, it's good to have mountain trees to help you, but if you don't have mountain trees, you'll be fierce. Only the sand in the soil is fine, and the rest is useless. It is a despicable life to see the soil without wood. When it comes to fire, it is unfavorable, and when it comes to wood, it is a disaster-prone person. This man is the rich man of your bureau.
B hai is the fire of Ming dynasty, and likes and dislikes are roughly the same as above. Because it is like the heat and smoke of fire, it can flourish only with the help of trees in Jiuhai, Xinmao, Keith and Renwu, and avoiding the water in Guihai and Bingwu. When you meet a big stream in Mao Yi, you will be very lucky. People who join Quakers are noble gentlemen.
Mountain fire in Jiaxuyihai: The people who burned on the mountain burned wild and scattered their eyes, and the faint sky shone like a sunset on the mountain. This is a fire in September, and the grass is gone. Dayishan has a wooden wind, and Muxichen has a windy forest, pine and cypress, and more importantly, it is ugly to the building. Without mountains, wood has no support. Even if there is wind, it is not only useless, but only useful to Ma Lu. This water is called Jiaotai Zhuji. Jing Quan's clear water is helped by wood, but see Jia Yin, Yi Hai and Mao Yi. There will be rain and dew in the sky, and the fire will not reach the ground at noon. Please help it with clear water, and don't do the Lord's blessing, or you will die. The sea is fiercest when it is there. When there are mountains, it is good to regard gold as wealth and need the help of mountains and trees. If not, it is fierce. It's no use looking at the soil, but looking at the sand to make a fire. Generally speaking, it is a despicable life to see fire without wood. It is not appropriate to see the stove fire, the sun is dim, and it is not appropriate to punish under the mountain. Life with two or three fires, such as limited accidents or deaths, is mostly afraid of punishment.
Those burning on the top of the mountain, wild fire, burning eyes, faint sky, like the sunset on the top of the mountain, this is the fire burning in September, and the grass is gone. Probably moving mountain trees and maple trees, such as Dalin and pine and cypress, take Chen as the wind, Lu as the wind, or even uglier as mountain trees, which are mainly expensive. If there were no mountains, there would be no wood to lean on and no fire to look at. Even if there is wind, it is not only obvious, but the remaining wood is useless, and it is only seen by Ma Lu. Water should go down the stream, mostly for the sake of friendship, the main auspicious, Jingquan clear water, wood to help it, but also auspicious; Great joy, Jia Xu sees Jia Yin, and Yi Hai sees Yi Mao, which is really auspicious; There must be rain and dew in the sky. If the fire doesn't reach the ground at noon, clear water will help it, or it will die. The sea is the fiercest in the place, and there are mountains to meet it. Every day, gold is regarded as wealth. With the help of mountains and trees, it is auspicious, and without it, it is fierce. I saw a flaw in the soil, but the fire can be raised in the sand, and other soil is useless. Generally speaking, this fire is useless, mostly a despicable life. Seeing that the fire in the kitchen is too inflammatory, the fire is fierce, and the sun is dizzy, and the punishment is at the foot of the mountain. It is not appropriate to bring two or three fires. If you limit the number of trees, a major disaster will happen, or you will die. Most of them are afraid of punishment.
Mountain fire and the Western God Jinshan fire meet the Western God Gold. According to the book "The Meaning of Returning to Tibet", the mountain fire is transported according to the formula: (9: Lu Yuan represents soil) soil (1: Angelababy 2: dove candle represents gold) gold. According to ancient records, according to the ancient book "Gui Zang Yi", in order to solve the bad luck of mountain fires and get lucky, it is necessary to carve Yang Ying array and pigeon candle array on the purple ice silver seal. Stamp the seal script according to the birthday of the lunar calendar: for those born between March and May, add the words "Jiuhong Gold Yinyin, Nangong Orange Pink Seal, Land Rover Iron". Born in June to August, add "Watanabe sunflower crab seals, one hundred eyes seal, and poor water mustard seals". Born from September to June in the lunar calendar 165438+ October, it is necessary to add "the bamboo is sealed in the middle of the river, the feather is sealed in the heart" and "the hair is narrowly tied". Those born between February and February of the lunar calendar/KLOC-need to add "Shura seal, four spirits seal, but Matu seal" to the printed version.
Mountain fire and West Shenmu Mountain fire and West Shenmu meet. According to "Righteousness of Returning to Tibet", mountain fires are helpful for transportation. According to the formula: (5: scorpion 6: bamboo stands for water) aquatic (3: ancient feather 4: rhinoceros baby stands for wood) wood, according to the ancient "Gui Zang Yi", if the bad luck of mountain fire is resolved and the fortune is prosperous, it is necessary to engrave the ancient feather array and the purple ice silver seal. According to the date of birth of the lunar calendar, add "Yun Song seal, Xicheng seal, sowing and grinding to the sun" to the seal book from March to May. "Watanabe Sunflower Crab, Ice Butterfly, Feather Liu Chang" should be added for those born in June-August. Born in 9 to 1 1, add "floating world, purple knot, hundred eyes, static seal, ancient river seal in bamboo". Born in February of 65438+1 year, add "Shura Seal, Siling Seal and Chrysanthemum Royal Photocopy".
Mountain fire and Western God mountain fire meet with Western God water. According to the Book of Changes to Tibet, the mountain fire transportation method is based on the formula: (1: Angelababy 2: dove candle represents gold) Jinsheng (5: scorpion 6: Chinese hairpin represents water) water, to resolve the bad luck of mountain fire and get lucky, it is necessary to carve scorpions on purple ice silver seals. It is necessary to add seals to the seal book according to the birth date of the lunar calendar: for those born between March and May, add "seal of plasma grass, seal of birds born tomorrow, and seal of hoof". From June to August, add "orange stem seal, Kuranosuke seal, spring and autumn cross-dyeing". Born in September-June 1 1, add "bamboo sparrow knot, ice bow, mustard knot with poor water". /kloc-Those born between 0/2 and February need to add the words "year-old seal, bamboo seal, Tibetan romance, simple deed" to the album.
Mountain Fire and Western God Mountain Fire When encountering the Western God Mountain Fire, the method of mountain fire transportation recorded in "Gui Zang Yi" is based on the formula: (3: Grain Rain 4: rhinoceros baby stands for wood) Musheng (7: four knowledge 8: fog fan stands for fire) The ancient fire book records that it is necessary to engrave the silk array and fog fan array on the purple ice silver seal to solve the fierce mountain fire and get good luck. Make a seal on the seal book with the lunar birthday: for those born between March and May, add "Yun Song Seal, Shura Seal and Floating World Purple Knot". Born in June, July and August, plus "Watanabe sunflower crab seal, ice butterfly seal, Jibei Danbo knot". Born from September to June 165438+ October, adding that "the bamboo is sealed in the middle ages, and the eyes are still sealed, and the chrysanthemum shadow is bound". /kloc-Those born from February to February need to add "Shura Seal, Siling Seal, Dream Window Sparse Stone System" to the printed version.
The mountain fire meets the western god mountain fire. According to the "Gui Zang Jing", the method of mountain fire transportation is based on the formula: (7: four knowledge 8: fog represents fire) fire is born (9: calligraphy 0: Lu Yuan represents soil). According to the ancient "Gui Zang Jing", the bad luck of mountain fire is resolved, and wealth is generated in Zibing Yin. According to the lunar birthday, add a seal on the printed book: born from March to May, add "Nine-leaf Lily Seal, printed at the foot of the sky, sown and ground to the sky". Born in June-August, add "Watanabe sunflower crab print, ice butterfly print, Bo Mao narrow tie". Born at 9: 00 to 1 1, supplemented by "A hundred eyes are still sealed, the feather system is Liu Chang, and the ancient river in Zhunei is sealed". Those born between February 65438 and February 65438 need to add "five tones divided into gold, four spiritual objects, but Matuzuo" to the album.
In ancient times, there was a formula called "Suzaku Xuanwu is suitable for yin and yang, and Qinglong White Tiger avoids omniscience". For example, Wang Fu, the wife in The Fire of Life in a Mountain Residence, needs to wear orange stone ornaments to achieve harmony between Yin and Yang, and then add a seal to the album according to her husband's birthday: from March to May in the lunar calendar, add "Feather Heart, Bamboo Ancient River and Evening City" for printing. Born from June to August in the lunar calendar, plus "bamboo and maple, dancing cranes on clouds and moons, hibiscus parasols". Born on the 9th day of the lunar calendar to 1 1, stamped with "Otonashi Kyoko, Yun Song, Izumo pommel horse". Born in 12 to February of the lunar calendar, add "bamboo finch, boat, swaying" to print. This is to ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters, which is of great help to my husband.