When Otsuichi was born, he ordered Lord Lu to enter the temple, and let B live in the land of Guanlu, and let B live in the land of Guanlu. This man is handsome and beautiful. If the moon is full of wood or anger, he is noble. If there is Geng Jin restraining wood in the column, it will damage the position, ruin life and get eye diseases easily. If you were born in Mitsuki or Youyou Ugly Moon, your clothes are average. Born in the morning or ugly month, Geely; It is lucky to be born in Shen Yue.
Yi Hai was born on his birthday, when he was born in silver moon or Mitsuki. There is no Geng Xin in the column, and the Japanese fortune is the theory of the times. Official career is rich. Only Mao provides for himself every year. He is a monk and a Taoist. With only a few years' salary, he is extremely developed, extremely smart and extremely rich.
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