But the most important thing is to look at the Japanese Lord, that is, to see whether he is prosperous or weak, and the previous conditions are not established. If he is weak and prosperous, he will be killed by the authorities. If he kills the king and attacks him, he will die. He will spend his money on emergencies and on emergencies.
This pattern of water is very prosperous in winter, which is a matter of season. Every time you look at the pattern of four o'clock in a year, you must know that people who eat with wealth and officials, plus good luck, are definitely rich. In this aquatic wood model, wood makes a fire, and fire makes earth. In winter, the soil is not very fertile. Although grain B sits in Lu, wet wood does not make a fire. Firewood comes to help, the gods send it together, and everyone will do something in their youth. At this time, it is particularly smooth. This pattern is pure, so it is rich.
Your pattern is the same. Now that you have a good start, you will feel smoother and smoother, and you can feel it in every detail.