Ding Chou is born every day, and Ding Huo is the master of the sun. The sea is noble, the yin is a fire fairy, and the sun is not weak. Born in October, the official arrived, injured in the year, killed seven in the month, and served as a water official. The sky is dry, the officer is killed, and the water is coming. This is called killing the injured officials together and transporting them to the southeast. They are healthy and become officials. Official stars represent the cause and position. If the environment is good, this model will succeed.
2, Universiade Jiazi B ugly Bing Yin Ding Mao has Xin under 6 years old.
20 years of good luck from the age of 26. Take it. Since I was 46 years old, I have returned to Fufu twice in a row. I must protect myself at all times. If it was really bad at that time, my mind was good.