Judging whether osteopenia occurs depends on the t value. T value is a relative value, which is usually used to judge whether human bone mineral density is normal in clinic. It compares the bone density obtained by the detector with that of healthy young people aged 30-35.
In order to get young people whose standard deviation is above (+) or below (-). -1 < t value < 1 indicates normal bone density, and -2.5 < t value.
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The content of bone calcium is different at different ages of life. The whole body calcium content is only 25g at birth, and it can reach1200g in adulthood. People around the age of 30 have reached the peak of their lives. Since the age of 50, the average annual bone loss is 0.5%~ 1%. Postmenopausal women lose 3%~5% on average every year, and female bone loss can eventually reach 30%~40% of the peak bone mass.
Men are 20%~30% thinner. So the peak bone mass is like a "bone bank" in the same person. The higher the peak bone mass in youth, the more "savings" in the "bank" and the more bone mass people can consume in the future.
The peak bone mass is mainly determined by genetic factors, nutritional status and living habits. Adequate calcium supply during children's growth and development, pregnancy and lactation for women, overcoming bad habits (such as smoking and drinking) and strengthening weight-bearing exercise for adults can all increase the bone reserve of "bone bank".