Birthstones corresponding to birth months:
January: Garnet: symbolizes loyalty, sincerity, friendship, and chastity;
February: Amethyst: symbolizes Honesty, sincerity, and inner peace;
March: Hainan gemstone or soapstone: symbolizes calmness, bravery, and intelligence;
April: Diamond: symbolizes eternity, purity;
May: Jade or emerald: symbolizes happiness, luck, beauty, and longevity;
June: Pearl or moonstone: symbolizes health, tranquility, wealth, and longevity;
< p> July: Ruby: symbolizes passion, love, strength, dignity;August: Peridot or sardonyx: symbolizes the joy of husband and wife, happiness and good luck;
September : Sapphire, symbolizing love, honesty, tranquility, and nobility;
October: Opal: symbolizing luck, hope, purity, and happiness;
November: Topaz: symbolizing friendship, Friendly, sincere, white;
December: Turquoise or zircon: Symbolizes love, happiness, good luck and success
Your birthstone is not very expensive, so buy one Opening the light can carry you to the grave for a lifetime and cannot be passed down to the world