1. The Book of Changes begins with images, and behind the images there are numbers. Confucius said: "It can be known even after a hundred generations." This is reasoning, and behind the images is the principle. Principles are laws obtained by combining images and numbers, which remain unchanged for a long time. Fuxi first expressed the image as knotting and loosening, which means switch. Yin means closing and material, and Yang means opening and spirit. The cathode becomes yang, and the anode becomes yin. Numbers are alive and alive.
2. "Da Guo Hexagram", you should be happy to see this hexagram. Its shape resembles both a bridge and a coffin, which means "If you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent person." Laozi said, "Don't dare to be the first in the world." The big mistake is innovation and reform, which are highly risky things. Most people do not have the ability or opportunity to make big mistakes. "Small mistakes will continue, but big mistakes will not be made." Confucius said: "No double faults" means not to make major mistakes or minor mistakes. Many Chinese idioms and concepts come from the Book of Changes.
3. The hexagram name is the range and can only be imagined within the range. There are no good or bad hexagrams in the I Ching. What you really need to look for is the "Qian hexagram". Everything in the world is a change of numbers. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Seven is Shaoyang, nine is Old Yang; eighty Shaoyin, sixty Old Yin. Seven becomes nine and eight becomes six, so it is called "seven up and eight down".
4. Lao Tzu said that pros and cons exist at the same time. Wuji has everything, but people cannot see it. The desire for time to pass quickly is to die quickly, and everything as usual is the best. Human beings are part of the universe, so they must respect the laws of the universe and the unity of heaven and man. The principles of the I Ching: the cycle goes back and forth, the extremes of things must reverse, the changes of yin and yang, the dynamic balance, and the transcendence of good and bad.