Kun: How about getting married? Some people say that Wang Fu is a good wife and mother, and she is very expensive.
The financial officer sent the school to see that the four pillars and the earth branches had no place for Wang Lu, the Japanese branch and the time branch killed the land near Wangwang. At this time, it is necessary to analyze whether the Japanese Lord can kill or control the killing. If he is weak, he will be weak and poor. Although the land of this bureau is in season, the month is dry and the roots of the same root of Jia Mu are growing, and the official killings are very prosperous. The fortune-telling of the eight characters of a birthday has the effect of releasing wood, but the sky is dry, and the separation of Ding and Ren reduces the strength. The Japanese Lord belongs to the fate of weak attack, especially to avoid the land of Shui Mu.