The cow quickly got off the calf. What should I do if my front legs cross and my legs hurt?

Probably pregnant. Pregnant cows are prone to calcium deficiency, especially before labor 1 to 2 months, and the fetus needs to seize a lot of calcium and phosphorus from the mother to meet its own growth and development needs. During this period, if the calcium supply is insufficient, calcium deficiency will occur. The affected cattle can't walk flexibly, mainly manifested as stiff front and rear limbs, swinging rear limbs when walking, or limping limbs.

Causes of leg pain when getting off the front leg of calf.

Calcium deficiency makes the front legs weak, the legs weak when walking, and the feeling is bumpy. Is to carefully check the cow's front legs for illness. Pull out the thorn in time when you find it. If you have diseases such as inflammation, you should treat them in time. This is stomach trouble. This is unexpected to most people, and only professional veterinarians can judge from the walking posture of cattle.

When cattle eat grass, they roll the grass into their mouths with their tongues, simply chew it and swallow it. In this way, cows sometimes put metal sharp objects such as nails into their bodies with food. Nails and other spirits will penetrate the stomach wall and pierce the pericardium in the cow's stomach, causing pericarditis. Cattle suffering from string pericarditis will limp when walking, especially when their front legs dare not touch the ground.