Hundred days of marriage and destiny refer to those who were born in the same year and whose birthdays are within a hundred days. The couple's birth dates are too close. The yin and yang and the five elements of the horoscope are similar, which is Fuyin evil, so it is not good. The flow of the five elements creates strong energy, and the harmony of yin and yang brings great auspiciousness. It is even worse if the birthdays are within 100 days, especially those born in the same year and month, because the yin and yang auras of the two parties are highly similar. On the one hand, they lack the complementarity of the five elements and the harmony of yin and yang, and there is a mutual exclusion phenomenon, similar to the same-sex repulsion in compasses. There is also the saying that if a couple's birthdays are less than a hundred days apart, their lives will be at odds with each other, which is not beneficial to each other. Individual fortunes are different and Feng Shui environments vary greatly. The impact of couples having birthdays less than 100 days apart is different. It may affect the emotional disharmony between the couple after marriage, may affect career and wealth, may affect health, and may lead to illness, etc. But in reality, there are many couples who have been married for hundreds of years and do not pay much attention to this statement. The quality of life mainly depends on the way two people deal with and get along with each other.
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