Renchen and Gengxu are Kuigang nobles, and those who see the sun pillar are right. Chen is the Tiangang and Xu is the leader of the river. It is the place where Yin and Yang are extinct, hence the name. If one is of the highest caliber, he will be extremely poor if he is weak. If he is strong, he will be extremely noble. If one is in the highest rank, he will become extremely fat. The master is smart and writes vigorously, is decisive in dealing with problems, and loves to kill when he is in power. Kui Gang has a strict and disciplined nature, and his body is prosperous and prosperous. As soon as he sees a wealthy official, he will be in trouble, especially if he is punished and killed. People with Kuigang as their pillars may have leadership skills and are good at maneuvering, but their marriages are not going well. If you don't abide by the law, you will inevitably go to jail.
The eight-character prediction requires at least eight characters. With only four characters, it is difficult to determine. Renchen, **, and Gengshu are in conflict with each other and are at odds with their ancestors. The native is not suitable to be raised by his grandparents when he was a child. At the same time, he is not suitable to live in his ancestral home. Some people who live in their ancestral home will move out of their ancestral home after getting married. , and the ancestral home gradually deteriorated. If you ask about the disease, it usually occurs in the head and abdomen. (Because there is no moon pillar to look at) It is generally easy to leave one's ancestors and leave one's hometown.