According to the definition of nave mouth of boys and girls' birthdays in Sansheng in Yangzhai, men and women are opposite in yin and yang. If the entrance of the hall is on the moon, but not on the sun, it will be expensive. If you are a relaxed person, you must have a way to make money. Birthday hall refers to the family status of strangers.
In other words, if a person's date of birth is on the sun or the moon, it is a very auspicious sign. This means that this person has a chance to make a fortune in the future. However, if Tangkou is in other positions of the day or month, it is necessary to analyze the physical life in detail to determine the fortune.
Tangkou in the year of birth is calculated according to the time, date and place of birth. Everyone's birthday is different, so the location of the tangkou is different. According to the words "official, financial, seal, food, comparison, talent, killing and marriage" often used in family training, it is concluded that Tangkou's different life experiences have different influences on his personal destiny.
An in-depth analysis of the meaning of Tangkou can be understood from the following aspects.
1, family status
Tangkou represents a person's family situation from childhood to adulthood and has a great influence on a person's growth and development. People who grow up in a good family environment and are cared and cared for by their families often have better opportunities for growth and development.
2. Family business
Tangkou also reflects the rise and fall of family businesses. If the family business prevails, it will bring better opportunities and resources to individuals, otherwise it will hinder development. Therefore, if a person's family business is very prosperous, then this person's development will have a very good impetus.
3, the wealth of a lifetime
Tangkou can also predict a person's life fortune. If Tangkou's fortune is strong, this person's fortune will obviously be better than the average person. If Tangkou's fortune star is not good, his personal fortune may be worse. The above contents are for reference only.