How to juggle when the sleeves are long? No need to cut or sew.

How to juggle when the sleeves are long? No need to cut or sew.

Tips for changing sleeves without cutting or sewing are: rolling sleeves, tying wrists, folding sleeves and tying sleeves.

1, wrap:

Rolling up your sleeves is the easiest way. Just roll up your sleeves and expose some of your arms. This method is suitable for different types of coats such as T-shirts, shirts and dresses. It can make your sleeves more casual and casual.

2. Wrist band:

Wrap a small silk scarf or ribbon around the cuff and tie it with a simple knot. This method can make your sleeves thinner and your wrists more prominent.

3, folding cuffs:

Fold the cuffs inward to expose the inside of the shirt or coat. This method can make your sleeves cleaner and the lining more prominent.

4. Bundle cuffs:

Tie the cuffs together with a rubber band or rope to expose a part of the arm. This method can make the sleeves tighter and the arms more prominent.