The four pillars and eight characters talk about the stems and branches, with the day stem being the main one; the year as the root; the moon as the seedling; the sun as the flower; and the time as the fruit. Use the prosperous life to ensure the end of death, and the system of rest and imprisonment to determine the fate of life.
The four pillars, stems and branches and the day stem discuss the six relatives. Those who give birth to me are Zhengyin and partialyin; those who give birth to me are wounded officials and gods of food; those who suppress me are Zhengguan and partial officials; those who suppress me are Zhengwei and partial wealth; those who rival and rob me of wealth are brothers and sisters.
The four pillars of earthly branches and Tibetan stems: there are original Qi, residual Qi and tomb Qi. Based on the theory of natural energy and daily stems, the year pillar (stem and branch) is the primary period of life. If the year has a useful god, it will gain the power of the ancestors; if the moon pillar is the outline, the moon will have another god, and it will gain the power of the parents; if there is a god in the year, it will gain the power of the descendants.
Heavenly stems and earthly branches: the branches are the roots of the stems; the stems are the seedlings of the branches. The earthly branch is in the year, and it is the first to be killed. Valued as the moon, it controls the power of life and death.
The good and bad fortunes of the heavenly stems are obvious, but not so with the earthly branches. The good and bad fortunes are hidden, and it is difficult to see the good and bad fortunes for a while. The good and bad fortunes of the yearly movements are obvious.