Calculated based on the Five Elements, Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. Heavenly stems: Jia, Bing, Wu, Geng, Ren are Yang. Yi, Ding, Ji, Xin and Gui are Yin. Earthly branches: Zi Yin Chen Wu Shen Xu is Yang. Chou Mao Si Wei You Hai is Yin. A horoscope that is all yang and no yin is pure yang, and a horoscope that is all yin and no yang is pure yin. Pure yin and pure yang are not good fortunes. Males are destined to be pure yin, and men have female aspects. Females are destined to be pure yang, and women have male aspects. nondescript. A man's life is purely yang, and a woman's life is pure yin. When prosperous, she will gain both fame and fortune. When she is extremely prosperous, she will cause trouble and disaster. As the saying goes, when the moon is full, it will be weak, and when the sun is full, it will be dark.
Therefore, it is better to have a harmonious balance of yin and yang!