The difference between Dodge Rabbit and Cat Rabbit

Dodge rabbit generally refers to the Dutch rabbit

The Dutch rabbit has a V-shaped white area on its face, extending to the chin. The body is small, and the ears are relatively short. The area around the nose and the neck to the front feet are white, and the other parts are black, blue, chocolate, gray, and yellow

(ARBA does not recognize yellow Dutch rabbits), sea turtles There are currently about a dozen colors available for color combinations such as green and copper. The Dutch rabbit has a highly imaginative appearance, making it a very popular pet rabbit in Europe, the United States and Australia.

After visiting rabbit farms and a large number of pet markets, we found that cat, cat and rabbit are just a name in China. The names include Angora, lop-eared, Dodger and other rabbits with slightly longer hair length. They are not internationally known as rabbits. There is no such thing as a cat or a rabbit, and the price of purebred Angora rabbits is much higher than that of lop-eared rabbits, so there is no such thing as a fake one, such as purebred lopsided rabbits. The market price of eared rabbits is less than 200 yuan, while a purebred Angora costs more than 300 yuan, so there is no question of fakery.