The four pillars are pure yin, and the clear lamp is self-maintaining: "Yuzhao Shenying Zhenjing" says: If the four yangs are established, it is difficult to have a yin master. The yin is reunited, and the yang is not respected for its longevity. The fate book says: The four pillars are pure yin, and the lamps are clear to protect themselves. Female horoscope: Ding, Gui, Yiji, You, Mao, Wei and Mao. Her fortune starts at the age of 5. Jiachen, Yisi, Bingwu, Dingwei and Wushen. This girl’s horoscope is pure Yin and she is over forty years old and has not yet been married. He had serious discord with his father, and his younger brother was idle and often committed crimes. Female horoscope: Yi Ji Ding Gui Wei Chou Chou Mao starts at the age of 9 Geng Yin Xin Mao Ren Chen Gui Si Jia Wu Yi Wei creates Ding fire in winter, and Yi wood eats the body. The good luck always travels to the southeast, so she is in the position of a middle-to-upper-class administrator. He lost his father at an early age and was still unmarried in his forties. Female destiny: Xin Xin Ding Xin Mao Chou Chou Chou starts at the age of 2 years old Ren Yin Guimao Jia Chen Yi Si Bing Wu This creation lost the father's love early, and the mother remarried a married man. Already divorced twice. When it comes to fate, one should attach great importance to wife, wealth, children, and wealth. The word "lu" is very important. If one is too weak and seriously injured, he is already destined to be unable to enjoy blessings. If he is lucky enough to have good fortune, good fortune often hides misfortune. , very avoid conflict, the book says: when the salary and position are in conflict, good fortune will also turn into misfortune. When the earthly branches are in conflict, it is even more taboo that the heavenly stems are in conjunction. In the Bingwu Grand Luck, Bing and Xin combine, and in the year of Bingzi, Bing and Xin combine again, and the earthly branch Ziwu clashes, which is a year of great misfortune. He contracted bladder cancer that year, got into financial trouble, and was a double blow. He almost wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a building.