The Yinshan Mountain was given three points with Genkun, and paid with the third yin, which lived for thirty-seven days, while the second year of the first lumbricus sitting in the shade, seventy-two dragons, five yin and five gods, which was natural and got Yin and Yang. Shen Zichen's talents are prosperous, and his family property is all distributed in Italy.
Jia Xu scored three points, Geng Yin scored three points, Geng Shen scored four points, Deng Maoqi scored twelve points and Wu Shen scored seventy-two. At the same time, Jia is middle-aged, Geng is the boss, and they live next to each other, but Yang is not long and evil. Geng is a burglar, a master robber, a prodigal son, and his family wealth is gradually retreating. Pojun's murder again.