The phrase "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world" was first put forward in Gu's Record of Japanese Knowledge, and the background was that the Qing army entered the customs. The original sentence is: "those who protect the country, their princes and ministers seek it;" Those who protect the world are shameful and responsible. "
It means that the rise and fall of state affairs and the protection of the country from being overthrown are the duties of emperors, generals and ministers of civil and military affairs, and have nothing to do with ordinary people; And the rise and fall of world events, every common people has an unshirkable responsibility.
Later, Liang Qichao summarized Gu's patriotic thought of "protecting the world, belittling everyone and blaming everyone" as "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world". These eight words have influenced generations of people with lofty ideals and become a force to inspire Chinese people to forge ahead.
Make sentences:
1, unite in turmoil, because everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.
2. Students should be a group of people who have the most awareness of "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world".
On the wings of patriotism, we should have the feeling that "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world".