B is not born in the sun, B is the Lord of the sun, noon is the birthday, and Lishui is the seal. Shen is a noble man. Although Party A and Party B did not help themselves properly, they got a lot of help, and they were all very prosperous. Born in July, the official is in charge, and financial aid is given to the official at noon. When the time is ripe, the official seal is born, and the feng shui is good and your life is expensive.
2. After the Universiade, Xin Si Chen Geng Ji Mao Wu Yin Ding Chou Bingzi was 8 years old.
In the early years of this pattern, life will not start smoothly after two consecutive retreats. However, young and vigorous, 18 years old, although entering noon, is a blessing, noon is a longevity. People live long and are lucky. The new four collided with the core monument of life, Yihai, and sang again. But Guan Bao was completely killed, and the seven kills were changed. Because of local changes, my career is still good. In short, before the age of 38, think twice before you act, and be cautious.
3. Yundong starts from the age of 38, and every autumn is the time for promotion, or the career is very smooth until good luck.
The wife's palace is the best place for a wife, and the marriage is very good, but marriage is fate and personal ability, and has nothing to do with numerology.