The moon makes the sea a god of Lu, and Shenhai wears it everywhere, which is not beautiful. You are a good man with a good temper, but not so enterprising. Wuji local officials have no roots and the main name is empty. It is best to get rid of Wuji when an official kills people and reveals wealth. On the whole, your luck is good.
It's just that it's taboo to see me go out and rob money, and the official can't protect money, so I only see bad luck. You are still in the cloud (20 1 1-20 15), and your fortune is average, so you need patience.
As for the post horse sitting on the ground, taboo, running around is hard to avoid. What's more, Ren Yunyun is still a post horse, and the situation is further aggravated.
Shen Yinchong, India, changed his residence and work. So, you have to change your job in this technical school. It's just that next year will be the next year. There will be a happy wedding next year and the work will be complete.