What are the precautions for vaccination?

(1) The preservation and use of biopharmaceuticals should be carried out according to the instructions.

(2) Instruments (syringes, needles) and injection sites should be strictly disinfected during inoculation.

(3) Biological drugs shall not be mixed, and expired vaccines shall not be used.

(4) Empty bottles containing biopharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals not used up that day should be burned or buried deeply (at least 46 cm); Before burning, pry open the cork and rinse it with high concentration bleaching powder solution.

(5) Observe the inoculated rabbits 2-3 weeks after inoculation, and generally do not give treatment if there are symptoms such as local swelling and elevated body temperature at the inoculated site; If the reaction lasts too long and the symptoms are obvious, you should seek veterinary treatment.

(6) Establish vaccination files. Every time you vaccinate, you must register the vaccination date, vaccine type and batch number of biological drugs in detail.