1. The most common causes are insufficient coronary circulation and insufficient coronary blood supply. When sitting for a long time, due to the high internal pressure of the inferior vena cava and abdomen, the blood supply of the upper limbs and the superior vena cava is compressed, and the superior vena cava will directly return blood to the heart, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the heart. Due to insufficient blood supply to the heart, there will be clinical symptoms and manifestations such as chest tightness, shortness of breath and chest pain.
2. Another common cause of chest pain when sitting for a long time is cardiopulmonary hypoxia. Usually, after sitting for a long time, the arterial oxygen saturation decreases and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide increases, so the ventilation blood flow is unbalanced and the oxygen content in the aorta is relatively low, which will lead to the clinical symptoms and manifestations of chest pain.