There are shadows in the lungs. be

It may be a lung infection, and anti-inflammatory treatment is effective. But the time is too short, and we need to continue anti-inflammatory treatment. If the treatment is not thorough, it will be harmful to our health. After a period of treatment, go to the hospital for reexamination and be responsible for your own health.

There are small shadows or nodules in the lungs, which may be inflammation, tuberculosis, benign tumor or malignant tumor. It is difficult to distinguish and diagnose them. Don't expect the doctor to give an exact diagnosis. This is usually biased advice and will give two choices.

Small lung shadows or nodules usually refer to a single round or oval lung shadow with a diameter less than 10 mm, which is usually recommended by doctors: 1. After systemic anti-inflammatory treatment, review lung CT and then decide whether to continue observation and follow-up or surgery; If it is a small pulmonary nodule, it is recommended to follow up regularly. 2. It is to directly advise patients to choose surgery.

This is a difficult multiple-choice question for patients or their families. It should be said that the above two choices are correct, because doctors don't know whether small shadows or nodules in the lungs are benign or malignant, so patients should make two preparations.

Some patients have honeycomb-shaped lung shadows. If they cough up pus and blood for a long time, they should doubt the possibility of bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is the enlargement of bronchial cavity caused by purulent infection of bronchial wall. Chest radiographs often show increased, thickened and disordered lung texture. In the past, bronchography was the gold standard for the diagnosis of bronchiectasis. At present, spiral CT can reconstruct the bronchial morphology without trauma and make a definite diagnosis. If the lesion is confined to 1-2 lobes, and the whole body is in good condition, it should be actively treated by surgery, but if it is bilateral extensive lesion, it is not suitable for surgery.

If malignant tumors in other parts of the body metastasize to the lungs, this is lung metastatic cancer. This kind of lung shadow often appears as single or multiple circular shadows, which are ground glass-like and have clear boundaries, and are mostly located on the outside of both lungs. Most patients have no symptoms, so we should actively look for the primary lesions. After resection of the primary focus, we can surgically remove a single lung metastasis.

If the pulmonary infection focus is not completely absorbed after treatment, it may form inflammatory pseudotumor. Most patients have a history of pneumonia in the past, and most of them are asymptomatic when they find lung shadows. If it can be diagnosed as inflammatory pseudotumor, it can be left untreated because it is not a true tumor.

Congenital diseases can also cause lung shadows.

Congenital pulmonary dysplasia can lead to lung shadow in addition to the above diseases. But it is generally rare, such as pulmonary cyst, pulmonary hamartoma and pulmonary sequestration. Pulmonary cyst mostly occurs among boys, children and young people. X-ray chest film shows single or multiple round thin-walled shadows with clear edges. If the cyst is connected to the bronchus, a gas-liquid plane will be found in the shadow. The typical chest radiograph of pulmonary hamartoma is "popcorn-like" pulmonary sequestration, which is a congenital pulmonary dysplasia. Most lung shadows are irregular triangles, polygons, circles or ellipses with sharp edges and uniform density.

It can be seen that many benign diseases will also have "lung shadow". With "lung shadow", patients should actively go to thoracic surgery and respiratory medicine for diagnosis. Only a clear diagnosis can make a correct treatment plan.

At the same time, if the patient is introverted and preoccupied, early surgery can be performed, and those who are extroverted and cheerful can be observed and followed up for a period of time; Old people suggest observation, and young people can have surgery early.

In short, the diagnosis of small shadows or nodules in the lungs should be made as early as possible, and the diagnosis time should not be too long. Most patients can be cured by early operation and comprehensive treatment.

Pulmonary infectious diseases, including:

1. Pneumonia: It is a lung infection caused by pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, mycoplasma, chlamydia, viruses, etc.). In addition to X-ray examination of lung shadow, the patient also has symptoms such as cough, expectoration, fever, chest tightness, fatigue and dyspnea. In severe cases, toxic shock may even occur. The most common pathogenic microorganism is bacteria, and the shadow on chest radiograph is often flaky, which will affect the whole lung in severe cases. If you do routine blood examination, you can find that the white blood cell count is significantly increased. After antibiotic anti-inflammatory treatment, chest X-ray can find that the lung shadow is obviously alleviated or even completely disappeared, and it can be cured after 2 weeks of general treatment.

2. Tuberculosis: It is a pulmonary infection caused by a special kind of bacteria, namely Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and its incidence has increased in recent years. The common parts are the lower blade tip, posterior segment and dorsal segment on both sides, and the shadows are scattered in flocks, among which there may be calcified lesions, sometimes spherical lesions or miliary lesions, and a few of them may involve one whole leaf, forming a so-called "damaged lung". Patients often have cough, expectoration, hemoptysis, and symptoms of tuberculosis poisoning such as low fever, fatigue, night sweats and loss of appetite in the afternoon. If acid-fast bacilli are found in sputum and the skin tuberculin test is strongly positive, a definite diagnosis can generally be made. Most tuberculosis patients receive anti-tuberculosis drugs (remifentanil, rifampicin, ethambutol, etc. ), but if the spherical tuberculosis focus is combined with cavity or "lung damage", it should be removed by thoracic surgery.

3. Bronchiectasis: It is bronchiectasis caused by purulent infection of bronchial wall, which belongs to irreversible infection. X-ray chest film shows that the lung texture is increased, thickened and disordered, and severe bronchiectasis can be manifested as beaded small translucent areas with typical honeycomb shadows. The common symptoms are long-term expectoration and hemoptysis. In the past, bronchography was the gold standard for the diagnosis of bronchiectasis. At present, spiral CT can reconstruct bronchial morphology without trauma, which has basically replaced bronchial lipiodol angiography. If the lesion is confined to 1-2 lobes and the whole body is in good condition, active surgical treatment should be taken; But if it is bilateral extensive lesions, it is not suitable for surgery.

4. Pulmonary aspergillosis: It is a fungal infection of the lung, that is, saprophytic aspergillosis infection, characterized by isolated or multiple spherical lesions in the lung with a typical "crescent translucent area" inside. With the change of body position, the position of crescent translucent area also changes. Most patients have no systemic symptoms, and a few may have hemoptysis and cough. Surgical resection is the best treatment. The author once encountered a case of pulmonary aspergillosis after pulmonary echinococcosis surgery, which was cured after the second operation to remove the lung lobe.

Lung tumors, mainly including:

1, lung cancer: it is the most important cause of mental stress in patients with "lung shadow". Common in middle-aged and elderly people, divided into central type and peripheral type. Most of the shadows are spherical lesions with lobulated edges, and some patients have burrs on the edges of the lesions. If the center of the lesion is necrotic and communicates with the bronchus, an eccentric cavity may appear. If the central lesion causes bronchial obstruction, it can also show a flaky shadow similar to pneumonia. The patient may have symptoms such as irritating cough, bloody sputum, chest pain, emaciation, hoarseness, and choking with water. Chest CT examination can determine the location of tumor and its relationship with surrounding blood vessels; Most patients with blood sputum can find tumor cells in blood sputum; Fiberoptic bronchoscopy can find the lesions of the central bronchus, which can be diagnosed by biopsy. CT-guided biopsy can diagnose peripheral lesions. Early lung cancer should be treated by surgery, and advanced lung cancer can be treated by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine and biotherapy according to tumor cell types.

2, lung metastatic cancer: it is a malignant tumor in other parts of the body, such as kidney, liver, ovary, transferred to the lungs. Lesions are often single or multiple circular shadows, ground glass-like, with clear boundaries, and most of them are located outside the lungs. Most patients have no symptoms, so we should actively look for the primary lesions. The treatment is mainly aimed at the primary focus, and a single lung metastasis can be surgically removed after the primary focus is removed.

3. Pneumonia pseudotumor: As the name implies, it is a false "tumor" formed by incomplete absorption of lung inflammation after treatment, and the edge of lung shadow lesions is clearer than that of lung cancer. Most patients have a history of pneumonia in the past, and most of them are asymptomatic when they find lung shadows. Sometimes it is not easy to differentiate from lung cancer, and CT-guided biopsy can make a definite diagnosis. If it can be diagnosed as inflammatory pseudotumor, it can be left untreated.

Congenital pulmonary dysplasia mainly includes:

1, pulmonary cyst: Also known as congenital bronchial pulmonary cyst, it is more common in male children and young adults. It is characterized by congenital malformation of distal bronchus, which can be divided into single and multiple. X-ray chest film shows single or multiple circular thin-walled shadows with clear edges. If the cyst is connected to the bronchus, a gas-liquid plane will be found in the shadow. Generally, pulmonary cyst can be asymptomatic for a long time, which is often found by accident during X-ray examination; Symptoms similar to respiratory tract infection may appear when complicated with infection. Because pulmonary cyst is a dead cavity, it is not conducive to breathing. In order to avoid various complications, it should be surgically removed.

2. Pulmonary hamartoma: It is normal tissue staggered during embryonic development, including fat, connective tissue, cartilage and calcification. Generally, it is an unencapsulated nodule with a diameter of 1-4 cm, the largest of which can reach 20cm. Most of them are single, and a few of them are multiple in both lungs. It is a round or slightly lobulated mass with clear edges and may contain many calcifications. The typical image is "popcorn-like". Generally, there are no symptoms, which are often found by accident during chest X-ray examination. The treatment is mainly local resection, and if necessary, intraoperative frozen pathological examination is done to exclude lung cancer.

3. Pulmonary sequestration: It is a congenital pulmonary dysplasia, which is characterized in that a part of embryonic lung tissue is separated from normal lung tissue to form a cystic mass, which is divided into intralobar type and extralobar type. Shadows are mostly located in the posterior segment of the lower lobe of the lung, with irregular triangles, polygons, circles or ellipses, sharp edges and uniform density. Intra-leaf type can have cough, fever and repeated lung infections; The appearance of leaves is usually not uncomfortable, which is often found in routine chest X-ray examination. Most patients are difficult to be diagnosed before operation, and can only be diagnosed when abnormal blood supply vessels are found during operation. Because this disease often causes repeated lung infections, and there is ineffective blood shunt, the symptoms can be gradually aggravated with age, so it should be actively treated by surgery.

Knowing the causes of the above common lung shadow, we can find that "lung shadow" does not necessarily mean lung cancer, and many benign diseases can also be manifested as "lung shadow". Once patients find "lung shadow", they should not be overly nervous, and should actively seek a specialist (thoracic surgery, respiratory medicine) to make a clear diagnosis. Doctors will apply other auxiliary examination methods according to the specific conditions of patients, such as chest CT, fiberoptic bronchoscopy, CT-guided puncture, sputum cell examination, etc., to further clarify the diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is clear, the doctor will work out the correct treatment plan.